Welcome (back)! Relaunching Eszter's List
Published: the Handbook of Digital Inequality
For years, I worked with dozens of digital inequality scholars to bring together exciting perspectives on this field, which has culminated in the publication of this Handbook. It's not priced for individual purchases, but I hope you encourage your library to get a copy, whether physical or digital.
For extra measure, the great Handbook unboxing: video of me opening the box with the book. (If you watch YouTube unboxing videos, you'll probably get a kick out of this, if you don't then maybe just skip it. ;-)
Tech corner
Ending the tech corner on a lighter note...
Art corner
Hungary Photos
If you happen to be in Budapest, there is a wonderful photo exhibit along the Danube (with similarly lovely views - weather depending - in the background) featuring life, nature, architecture, and people in Hungary. The online version of this is not nearly as good, but if you can't enjoy it in person, it's an alternative: https://fotopalyazat.magyarorszag.hu/
Food corner
If you don't already follow Chef John's cooking (the chef behind the recipe above), you are missing out. His videos are incredibly informative and his recipes terrific. This is just one good find. I'm sure I'll be posting other tried and true dishes from him in the future. https://www.youtube.com/c/foodwishes
Not a recipe, but important food news, especially when you live in Switzerland. 😃
Academic humor
A normal day?
I recommend reading this piece (from 1995) as a way to wrap up this insane year.
I hope you are surrounded by vaccinated people and stay healthy. I wish you good things for 2022!
Feel free to forward this list
If you think someone you know may enjoy the above, please feel free to forward it. People can sign up here: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/eszter